Thursday, December 30, 2010
December 30th Update
From: KUB Community Relations (Contact No. 594-7988)
Re: Traffic Advisory – Lane Closure for Utility Work
Neyland Drive Lane Closures Extended [January 3-7 – Weather Permitting] – KUB and its contractor will extend the lane closures on a section of Neyland Drive between Lake Loudoun Boulevard and Leinard Lane to January 3-7. The lane closures will be in effect in this area daily from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. as wastewater system construction continues. One eastbound and one westbound lane of Neyland Drive will remain open at all times during this period. All lanes will be reopened to traffic overnight, and for the morning and evening commutes.
Some utility-related closures may extend beyond the scheduled times, depending on conditions encountered during excavation and construction. Appropriate traffic control measures will be in place at this location to assist motorists traveling in the area. Due to the ongoing presence of
workers and equipment, motorists are advised to use extreme caution and expect temporary delays in this area.
Hope everyone has a safe and happy New Year! Don't forget First Night, tomorrow, December 31st in the downtown area, for more information visit:
Friday, December 24, 2010
December 24th Update
From: KUB Community Relations (Contact No. 594-7988)
Re: Traffic Advisory - Lane and Road Closures for Utility Work
Cumberland Avenue Lane Closure (December 27-30) - KUB contractor crews will close the westbound curbside lane of traffic on a section of Cumberland Avenue at the James Agee Street intersection daily from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., December 27-30, as sewer system work is completed. One westbound lane, the center turn lane, and both eastbound lanes will remain open on this section of Cumberland Avenue during this closures. All lanes will be reopened to traffic during overnight periods.
Phillip Fulmer Way Road Closure (December 27-30) - KUB contractor crews will close Phillip Fulmer Way to thru traffic between Cumberland Avenue and Peyton Manning Pass daily from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. December 27-30, as sewer system work is completed. All lanes will be reopened to traffic during overnight periods.
Some utility-related closures may extend beyond the scheduled times, depending on conditions encountered during construction and excavation. Due to the ongoing presence of workers and equipment, motorists are advised to use extreme caution and expect temporary delays in these areas.
Friday, December 10, 2010
December 10th Update
The Cumberland Connection Blog is working with the Cumberland Avenue Merchants Association (CAMA) to promote and prepare businesses for the upcoming streetscape project. While construction is several months away, the merchants are investigating new opportunities (including an intern and possible web presence) to promote and bring business to the district. To that end, the City is offering to post links to business websites on this blog. You'll find those links on the right hand side of the page and thanks to Debbie Billings of Graphic Creations for being the first to submit a website link! If you would like to add your business, simply contact me, Anne Wallace, at and include your business name and web address.
KUB Update
From: KUB Community Relations (Contact No. 594-7988)
Re: Traffic Advisory – Road Closure for Utility Work (weather permitting)
Caledonia Avenue Road Closure – KUB contractor crews will close a section of Caledonia Avenue, between Twentieth Street and Volunteer Boulevard, daily from 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. on Friday, December 10, and Monday, December 13, in association with ongoing sewer system construction work in the area. This section of Caledonia Avenue will be reopened to traffic overnight and
throughout the weekend.
Cumberland Avenue Lane Closure [December 13] – KUB contractor crews will close the westbound curbside lane of traffic on a section of Cumberland Avenue at the James Agee Street intersection from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. on Monday, December 13, as sewer system work is completed. One westbound lane, the center turn lane, and both eastbound lanes will remain open on
this section of Cumberland Avenue during this closure.
Some utility-related closures may extend beyond the scheduled times, depending on the conditions encountered during excavation and construction. Appropriate traffic control measures will be in place at this location to assist motorists traveling in the area. Due to the ongoing presence of workers and equipment, motorists are advised to use extreme caution and expect temporary delays in this area.
Weekend Opportunities
Friday, December 10th
Comcast Christmas at Chilhowee Park
Chilhowee Park Grounds
6 pm to 9 pm
Annual Holiday event, FREE!! Family Friendly Fun!! Visit a winter wonderland at Chilhowee Park. Music, Food, Santa Claus photos, Horse drawn carriage rides thru the park's Christmas Light Tour, Marshmallow roasting, Caroling, Decorating cookies with Mrs. Claus and more! For more information visit:
Christmas Express Train Rides
Volunteer Landing
Dec. 10 & 11: 10:30 am, 2 pm & 5 pm
Dec. 12: 1 pm & 4 pm
For more information visit:
Saturday, December 11th
Market Square Holiday Market
Market Street
11 am to 7 pm
A holiday market featuring locally made crafts and artisan foods.
For more information visit:
Candle Making Workshop at Marble Springs Historic Site
Marble Springs State Historic Farmstead at 1220 West Gov. John Sevier Hwy.
This hands on workshop will teach visitors about lighting sources on the 18th & 19th centuries. Visitors will learn how to make beeswax candles by the open hearth. Hot drinks & baked goods will be provided. Reservations required by Dec. 5. Fee: $5 donation for cost of materials; Parking is free. For more information visit:
Sunday, December 12th
Nativity Pageant of Knoxville - 42th Annual
Civic Coliseum
Sun: 3 pm
Mon & Tues: 7 pm
FREE no ticket needed. The production features live animals, realistic sets, authentic costumes & an original script told by pantomime drama. For more information visit:
As always, thanks for your continued interest! Have a safe and fun weekend.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
December 1st Update
The Ft. Sanders Quarterly Stakeholder meeting originally scheduled for tomorrow, December 2 at 4:30 pm has been canceled due to a lack of agenda items. The City will reconvene the Stakeholder Group for our quarterly meetings on Thursday, February 3, 2011 at 4:30 pm in a location to be determined closer to date. Feel free to contact me if you have any agenda items for the February meeting at Thank you.
Friday, November 19, 2010
November 19th Update
Provided by Neighborhood Advisory #103, David Massey, Neighborhood Coordinator
** This meeting was discussed at the last Ft. Sanders Stakeholder Meeting on October 21st and it was suggested that members of the group attend to understand how the City is dealing with absentee landlords and problem properties. The focus of this information is predominately residential properties.**
Knoxville City Council last week conducted a workshop devoted to the challenges posed by vacant and blighted properties - a problem to one degree or another for many if not most neighborhoods in both the city and the county.
Madeline Rogero, director of the Community Development Dept., presented the work of the Vacant Properties Committee, which she chairs. Her presentation was followed by questions and comments from members of Council, responses by various members of the committee, and comments from several neighborhood representatives.
She also noted that the City already employs quite a few tools to deal with problem properties. These include:
** Neighborhood Codes Enforcement and the power of the Better Building Board to declare houses unfit for human habitation or to order that dilapidated houses be torn down.
** Community Development’s programs to rehab houses and build new houses on vacant lots.
** The ability to determine and certify that a property is blighted; to acquire the property (at fair market value) with City Council’s eminent domain powers; and to rehab the property and return it to the private sector via Community Development’s Homemakers Program.
** Issuing proposals for redevelopment of city-owned lots in a way that insures that the winning bidder will actually carry through with promised renovations and return the improved property to the tax rolls.
Rogero then listed 11 separate new tools and strategies that the City is ready to implement or pursue in the near- to mid-term. These include:
** Increased use of Municipal Court by the Neighborhood Codes Enforcement office, and the possibility of imposing increased court penalties for violators of city housing codes.
** Changes to local ordinances to clear up uncertainties and vague language so that codes enforcement can be more effective and can be tougher on repeat offenders.
** Reform of property tax foreclosure laws so that properties taken to tax sale do not end up with uninsurable title, which is a roadblock to obtaining loans for redevelopment.
** Better tracking of all available data on problem properties.
Rogero noted that cities and towns all across the U.S. are facing problems with blighted and vacant properties. Some cities have implemented programs such as home maintenance education, landlord training, vacant property registration, rental property registration and inspections, and public identification of properties and owners that are consistently violating city codes. These tools may or may not be relevant or effective in Knoxville, Rogero noted. “No one size fits all,” she stated.
Rogero concluded by noting that the causes of vacant and blighted properties are complex, as are the solutions. “There is no silver bullet,” she said, no single program or law, that will solve the problem. Knoxville needs stronger disincentives for owners of blighted property. While government has a key role to play, the nonprofit and private sectors are critical to success, she noted.
Formed in mid-2009, the Vacant Properties Committee is composed of representatives from various city and county departments, the Knox County Trustee’s Office, KCDC (Knoxville’s Community Development Corp.), Metropolitan Planning Commission (MPC), and the Council of Involved Neighborhoods (COIN).
Rogero’s Power Point slides are available on the City’s Website, here.
For questions or information about the committee or the work that it is doing, contact David Massey, neighborhoods coordinator, at 215-3232 or
Cumberland Avenue Corridor Project
The City of Knoxville is still taking comments regarding the November 9, 2010 public meeting for the Cumberland Avenue Corridor Project. All comments should be submitted by close of business on Tuesday, November 23, 2010 and can be sent via e-mail to Anne Wallace at The meeting information is in previous blog posts and in the Links Section of this blog page.
Weekend Opportunities
Knoxville Ice Bears vs. Pensacola Ice Flyers, Friday and Saturday nights at 7:30pm at the Knoxville Coliseum, ticket prices vary.
UT Ice Vols vs. LSU, Friday and Saturday nights at 11:00pm (for those with insomnia!), at the Knoxville Coliseum, general admission $5, or $1 with student ID.
Tennessee Volunteers take on the Vanderbilt Commodores in Nashville at 7:30pm. The game will be televised, Go Vols! Be sure to take advantage of the opportunity to visit our Cumberland Avenue merchants!
As always, thanks for your continued interest in all things relating to Cumberland Avenue and the Fort Sanders District. There will be no blog post next Friday due to the Thanksgiving Holiday. I wish you and yours a very blessed and happy Thanksgiving.
Friday, November 12, 2010
November 12th Update
Greetings everyone! Below are some of the images that were presented in the public meeting on Tuesday, November 9th. These are examples of what Cumberland Avenue could look like as we implement the streetscape project.

This image is a plan view of the typical pedestrian corridor diagram. In it you can see the three lane cross section (one west bound, one east bound and a center turn lane) as well as the furnishing zone with trees, benches, bike racks, and lighting which acts as a buffer for pedestrians from vehicular or bike traffic. The red line in this drawing indicates the section line and perspective point for the images below.
This image shows the two cross sections of the street. The top section shows what the typical street section will look like between 17th Street and 22nd Street. The bottow section shows what the street section will look like west of 22nd Street.
This image shows a perspective of what Cumberland Avenue could look like if you were a pedestrian walking down the street (on the north side, facing west bound) after the streetscape project is completed.
Thanks to Carol R. Johnson & Associates' Knoxville office for producing these images. Again if you have comments or suggestions about the public meeting information please e-mail Anne Wallace at by November 23. The presentation is available here.
KUB Update
From: KUB Community Relations (Contact No. 594-7988)
Re: Traffic Advisory – Lane Closure for Utility Work
Neyland Drive Lane Closures [November 15-16] – KUB’s contractor will close one westbound lane on a section of Neyland Drive between Lake Loudoun Boulevard and Leinard Lane daily from 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. on Monday, November 15, and Tuesday, November 16, for wastewater system construction. One westbound lane, the center turn lane, and both eastbound lanes will remain open at all times during this period.
Some utility-related closures may extend beyond the scheduled times, depending on conditions encountered during excavation and construction. Appropriate traffic control measures will be in place at this location to assist motorists traveling in the area. Due to the ongoing presence of workers and equipment, motorists are advised to use extreme caution and expect temporary delays in this area.
Weekend Opportunities
University of Tennessee Volunteers take on Ole Miss rebels here in town for Homecoming!
Day: Saturday
Date:Nov. 13, 2010
Location: Knoxville, Tenn.
Time: 12:00 p.m. ET Be sure to get out and cheer on the Volunteers and support our Cumberland Avenue Merchants!
Visit replicas of Christopher Columbus' ships. For more information, click here.
Kroger Free Day at Knoxville Zoo: Visitors to Knoxville Zoo will enjoy free admission and parking on Kroger Free Day, Saturday,Nov. 13, from 10:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. (Last admissions are one hour before closing at 3:30 p.m.) Kroger Free Day is a way to give back to the community and help other local charities who also make East Tennessee a better place to live, too. Visitors are encouraged to bring a donation for one of the charitable organizations who will be on-site on Kroger Free Day. For more information, click here.
As always, thanks for your interest and have a safe and fun weekend!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
November 10th Update
The presentation for that meeting is available here or in the links section of the blog. Additionally, Hayes Hickman, reported about the meeting in a News Sentinel article available here.
Please send comments or questions about the public meeting or presentation to Anne Wallace at by close of business on Tuesday, November 23, 2010. City Staff will take these comments into consideration as next steps are determined on the project.
Of course, if there are general questions or comments about the project, feel free to contact me at anytime. I'll continue to keep you posted about the project. Have a great week!
Friday, November 5, 2010
November 5th Update
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
6:00 pm in Ballrooms A & B
UT’s Visitors’ Center (former Faculty Club)
2704 Kingston Pike (corner of Kingston Pike and Neyland Drive)
This meeting is open to the public and everyone is welcome to attend. City of Knoxville Staff and Project Consultants will give a presentation updating the public on the detail design work of the Streetscape project which will include information about the typical street section, landscape amenities and utility work. If you have any questions, please contact Anne Wallace at
Friday, October 29, 2010
October 29th Update

Tuesday, November 9, 2010
6:00 pm in Ballrooms A & B
UT’s Visitors’ Center (former Faculty Club)
2704 Kingston Pike (corner of Kingston Pike and Neyland Drive)
This meeting is open to the public and everyone is welcome to attend. City of Knoxville Staff and Project Consultants will give a presentation updating the public on the detail design work of the Streetscape project which will include information about the typical street section, landscape amenities and utility work. If you have any questions, please contact Anne Wallace at
Fort Sanders Stakeholders Update
As promised, the minutes from the most recent Ft. Sanders Stakeholders' meeting are posted in the Link section of the blog or you can access them here. If you have any questions or comments regarding the minutes please send them to me at
Additionally, one of the stakeholder updates included a discussion of the Ft. Sanders Traffic Calming Plan that was requested by the Historic Fort Sanders Neighborhood Association and was prepared in conjuntion with the East TN Community Design Center and City Engineering. Below is a copy of the plan. The stakeholders present responded with general support for the plan. The next Stakeholders meeting is scheduled for Thursday, December 2 at 4:30 pm, location to be determined closer to date.
CAMA Update
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Cumberland Avenue Merchants Association is scheduled for Wednesday, November 3rd at 3:00 pm in the Old College Inn. Members and guests are welcome. Come hear more about what your neighbors are up to!
Weekend Opportunities
There are a number of events in and around downtown tonight and throughout the weekend, for more information visit the City's website, here, and click on the calendar of events on the left hand side.
Saturday, October 30
Race for the Cure 5 K & Walk, World's Fair Park, 8:30 am, Race for the Cure is a 5 K and 1 mile Run/Walk to benefit Komen Knoxville - a breast cancer organization.
Tennessee Volunteers take on the South Carolina Gamecocks in Columbia. Game starts at 12:21 pm and is televised. Go Vols!
This weekend would be a great chance to visit some of your favorite spots on Cumberland Ave. Thanks for your continued interest; we hope to see you out at the public meeting. Have a great and safe weekend!
Friday, October 22, 2010
October 22nd Update
Thanks to everyone who attended yesterday's special called Fort Sanders Stakeholder Meeting to discuss the draft Fort Sanders District Plan. The major outcome of this meeting was a request to table the Fort Sanders District Plan at Metropolitan Planning Commission (MPC)indefinitely in order to allow stakeholders of varying perspectives to continue meeting and discussing ways to improve the neighborhood. This idea was supported by those in attendance and a request has been submitted to MPC to table the plan.
Additionally, there were two up coming public meetings announced during the meeting that were of interest to Fort Sanders Stakeholders:
1) Cumberland Avenue Corridor Project Public Meeting
Date: Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Time: 6:00 pm
Location: Ballrooms A & B of the University's Visitors' Center, 2704 Kingston Pike (former Faculty Club)
What: A meeting to update the public on the detail design of the Cumberland Ave. Streetscape Plan. Open to the public.
2) City Council Workshop
Date: Thursday, November 11, 2010
Time: 5:00 pm
Location: Small Assembly Room of the City County Building
What: A Council Workshop to discuss absentee landlords and vacant property and their impacts on the community. Open to the public.
Full stakeholder meeting minutes are being compiled and will be posted sometime next week. For any questions, please contact me at
Weekend Opportunities
Friday October 22, 2010
Hockey - Knoxville Ice Bears vs. Fayetteville Fire Antz
Civic Coliseum
7:30 pm
Come celebrate the home opening game of the 2010-11 season.
Saturday October 23, 2010
UT Football vs. Alabama
UT Neyland Stadium
7:00 pm
Saturday October 23, 2010
Football Tailgate Party on Volunteer Landing
4:00 pm
FREE! Family Friendly Fun!! Live Music by Laurel Wright!! Come join us for a Tailgate Party, 3 hours prior to UT Football Game!
Go Vols, Beat Bama! Don't forget to stop by Cumberland Avenue and support our great merchants before and after the game. As always, thanks for your continued interest and support. Have a fun and safe weekend!
Friday, October 15, 2010
October 15th Update
What: Fort Sanders Stakeholders Meeting
When: 4:30 p.m., Thursday, October 21st
Where: Ballroom A, University of Tennessee Visitor Center, 2704 Kingston Pike.
Who: Anyone with an interest in the long range planning of Fort Sanders Neighborhood and surrounding areas.
City of Knoxville and MPC staff will conduct the meeting which will include a review of the revised Ft. Sanders District Plan, discussion of neighborhood traffic calming, and stakeholder updates (including an update on the Cumberland Ave. Corridor Project). The draft plan updates the 2000 Fort Sanders Neighborhood Forum Plan and a copy is available in the Links section of this blog.
Thursday’s meeting is a special called meeting in a series of quarterly meetings aimed at continuing communication between the stakeholders in the Fort Sanders Neighborhood including small businesses, residents, the City of Knoxville and organizations like Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center and the University of Tennessee.
Weekend Opportunities
Tonight: Movies on Market Square, Hitchcock's "North by Northwest" (not rated), Market Square Stage, 8 pm to 10 pm, FREE!! Family Friendly Fun!!
Saturday October 16, 2010:
Fall Festival, Knoxville Botanical Garden & Arboretum, 2743 Wimpole Avenue, 10 am to 4 pm, Directions:
Hockey - Knoxville Ice Bears vs. Huntsville Havoc, Civic Coliseum, 7:30 pm, Exhibition Game #1 - $7 Tickets specials.
Thanks for your continued interest, hope to see many of you at next week's meeting, and have a safe and fun weekend!
Friday, October 8, 2010
October 8th Update
What: Fort Sanders Stakeholders Meeting
When: 4:30 p.m., Thursday, October 21st
Where: Ballroom A, University of Tennessee Visitors’ Center,
2704 Kingston Pike
Who: Anyone with an interest in the long range planning of Fort Sanders Neighborhood and surrounding areas. City of Knoxville and MPC staff will conduct the meeting which will include a review of the revised Ft. Sanders District Plan, discussion of neighborhood traffic calming, and stakeholder updates (including an update on the Cumberland Ave. Corridor). A copy of the plan is available here or in the Links section on the right hand side of this blog.
Save the date! For a Cumberland Avenue Corridor Public Meeting
What: Cumberland Avenue Corridor Public Meeting
When: 6:00 p.m., Tuesday, November 9th
Where: Ballrooms A & B, University of Tennessee Visitors’ Center,
2704 Kingston Pike
Who: Everyone is welcome to attend this meeting! City of Knoxville Staff and Project Consultants will give a presentation updating the public on the detail design work of the Streetscape project which will include information about the typical street section, landscape amenities and utility work. This meeting is a follow up to the April 19th public meeting where a concept design was selected for further development. Additionally, staff will update the public on the status of the Form Base Code proposed for this area.
For questions please contact Anne Wallace at
KUB Update
From: KUB Community Relations (Contact No. 594-7988)
Re: Traffic Advisory – Lane closures for utility construction (weather permitting)
Neyland Drive Lane Closures – KUB’s contractor will reduce a section of Neyland Drive to one eastbound lane and one westbound lane between Jacob Drive and Leinard Lane overnight starting at 6 p.m. on Friday, October 8, and lasting through 6 a.m. on Saturday, October 9, to facilitate safe traffic flow for trucks and heavy equipment moving in and out of the construction site for the new Lower Third Creek Wastewater Storage Tank. One east- and one westbound lane will remain open on this section of Neyland Drive during this period.
Caledonia Avenue Road Closure – Knoxville Utilities Board and its contractor will close a section of Caledonia Avenue between Twentieth Street and Volunteer Boulevard from 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. on Friday, October 8, in association with sewer system construction.
Some utility-related closures may extend beyond the scheduled times, depending on conditions encountered during excavation and construction. Appropriate traffic control measures will be in place at each location to assist motorists traveling in the area. Due to the ongoing presence of workers and equipment, motorists are advised to use extreme caution and expect temporary delays in these areas.
CAMA Update
The regularly scheduled monthly meeting of the Cumberland Avenue Merchants Association (CAMA) was held on Wednesday, October 6th at 3:00 pm in the Old College Inn. Thanks to Mike Clark, CAMA President for hosting the meeting with great hospitality! The meeting followed the standard format of a KPD report, update from the City on the Cumberland Avenue Project, and merchant updates. In addition to the regular monthly meetings, the merchants are working to hire an intern from UT to assist with marketing and promoting the businesses along the corridor. We will keep you posted about that effort.
Weekend Opportunities
The weather is beautiful and the feeling of Fall is in the air! There are a lot of great opportunities to get out and enjoy this weekend in Knoxville, here are a few that might be of interest!
Tonight: Movies on Market Square, "The Spy Next Door" (PG), Market Square Stage, 8 pm to 10 pm, FREE!! Family Friendly Fun!! Movies on Market Square invites the community to enjoy an outdoor movie under the stars!
All Weekend: Greekfest 2010, St. George Greek Orthodox Church at 4070 Kingston Pike, Fri & Sat: 11 am to 10 pm, Sun: 11 am to 5 pm
Festival highlighting Greek Orthodox religion, Greek food, customs, dancing, shopping, art and the Knoxville Greek Orthodox church.
Saturday: Hola Festival, 100-200 Block of S. Gay St. and Gay St. Viaduct, 11 am to 8 pm,FREE!! Family Friendly Fun! Family oriented festival featuring music, food, dance, children's activities, Parade of Nations, countries exhibits, community fair and vendors.
Saturday: UT Vols Football vs. Georgia Bulldogs, Athens, GA, 12:21 pm. This would be a great weekend to visit our Cumberland Ave. merchants to avoid the crowds from in-town gamedays!
Monday, September 27, 2010
September 27th Update
The City of Knoxville will host an informational meeting on the upcoming closure and reconstruction of the Henley Street Bridge from 5-7 p.m., Tuesday, September 28 in the City County Building's Large Assembly Room.
Representatives from the Tennessee Department of Transportation will be on hand to discuss some of the details of the project which is slated to begin in early 2011.
TDOT will close the 80-year-old bridge for up to 36 months while the structure is dismantled, down to the arches, and rebuilt. The plans include expanding the deck from the current five-lane configuration to its maximum width of six lanes while keeping the sidewalks at their current width.
TDOT has agreed to the City of Knoxville's request to utilize the sixth lane for bicycle traffic.
During the September 28, meeting TDOT officials will describe steps being taken to reroute traffic via James White Parkway, the South Knoxville Bridge and Moody Avenue. Chapman Highway, between the Tennessee River and Moody Avenue, will remain open for traffic during the closure period.
For more information about the project, please click here.
Friday, September 24, 2010
September 24th Update
Ft. Sanders Neighborhood Update
proceed to more traditional means of enforcement if violation is not cleared up. Any questions on this effort can be directed to the city’s one call number, 311.
The entry into Ayers Hall
Hand painted details on the stucco
The courtyard on the northside of the building, complete with a "T" shaped bench

A view of the south lawn looking towards the Tennessee River and Neyland Stadium
An example of the fine wood work and detailed finishes
Finally, an image of the the lights and grand staircase!
These are just a few images of a great space that we very much enjoyed seeing. Thanks to Jeff Maples and Dan Smith for the tour and for the attention to detail on this campus jem.
Weekend Opportunities
Movies on Market Square, tonight 8:00 pm, the feature "Cats & Dogs", free.Saturday the UT Volunteers take on the UAB Blazers at 12:21pm. Be sure to stop by and support our Cumberland Avenue Merchants and Go Vols!
Monday, September 20, 2010
September 20th Update
From: KUB Community Relations (Contact No. 594-7988)
Re: Traffic Advisory – Road closures for utility construction (weather permitting)
Twenty-first Street Road Closure (Sept. 21-23) – KUB contractor crews will close a section of Twenty-first Street between Lake Avenue and Cumberland Avenue daily from 7 a.m. – 7 p.m., as wastewater system improvements are completed.
Twenty-second Street Road Closure (Sept. 22-24) – KUB contractor crews will close a section of Twenty-second Street between Lake Avenue and Terrace Avenue daily from 7 a.m. – 7 p.m., as wastewater system improvements are completed.
Some listed closures may extend beyond the scheduled times depending on the conditions encountered during excavation and construction. Appropriate traffic control measures will be in place at each location to assist motorists traveling in these areas. Due to the ongoing presence of workers and equipment, motorists are advised to use caution and expect temporary delays in these areas.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
September 15th Update
Additional information and corrections to the minutes of the September 2nd Fort Sanders Quarterly Stakeholder meeting have been provided to City Staff. The minutes have been updated and the changes have been highlighted within the document. If there are any additional comments or corrections, please contact me at by close of business on Friday, September 17th. Thanks so much!
KUB Update
From: KUB Community Relations (Contact No. 594-7988)
Re: Traffic Advisory – Lane closure for utility construction (weather permitting)
Dale Avenue Lane Closure – Beginning Tuesday, September 14, and lasting through early October, Knoxville Utilities Board and its contractor will close the curbside right turn lane on a section of Dale Avenue at the N. Seventeenth Street intersection daily from 7 a.m. – 6 p.m. as part of construction activities at the new electric substation located at 410 Dale
This lane closure will be in effect daily to facilitate safe traffic flow for trucks and heavy equipment moving in and out of the work site. Access to N. Seventeenth Street will not be affected as both the left turn lane and center thru/right turn lane on Dale Avenue will remain open during this period. The curbside right turn lane will also be reopened to traffic
during overnght hours and on weekends for the duration of this work.
The new substation at this location will serve as a source of electricity for the growing University of Tennessee campus and improve service and reliability to hospitals, businesses, and residences in the Fort Sanders area. The overall project is scheduled for completion in the summer of
2011, weather permitting.
Some utility-related closures may extend beyond the scheduled times, depending on the conditions encountered during excavation and construction. Appropriate traffic control measures will be in place at this location to assist motorists traveling in the area. Due to the ongoing presence of workers and equipment, motorists are advised to use extreme caution and expect temporary delays in this area.
Cumberland Avenue Lane Closure – KUB will close the curbside eastbound lane on a section of Cumberland Avenue between Seventeenth Street and Eighteenth Street from 2 – 8 p.m. on Wednesday, September 15, as water system upgrades are completed. Traffic flow will be maintained during this period as one eastbound and both westbound lanes will remain open on this section of Cumberland Avenue.
Friday, September 10, 2010
September 10th Update
As promised last week, the minutes from the September 2nd Ft. Sanders Quarterly Stakeholder meeting are now posted in the Links section of this page. If you have any questions, comments or changes regarding the minutes, please let me know directly at Additionally, last week's post originally stated the next meeting for Ft. Sanders Stakeholders was to take place on October 29th - that is incorrect and has been changed - the correct date is Thursday, October 21st at 4:30 pm, location to be determined and published closer to date. The purpose of this meeting will be to review the revised draft of the neighborhood plan. A copy of the revised plan will be posted on this site prior to the meeting. Thanks again to everyone who attended for their time and input.
Weekend Opportunities
Tonight starts two fun events: 1) Movies on Market Square - Fridays, 8-10, tonight's movie is Iron Man; 2) The Tennessee Valley Fair - September 10-19th, tonight's main event, the tractor pull at 7:00.
Saturday is the second home game for UT; they play the University of Oregon Ducks at 7:00pm. Go Vols and be sure to support our Cumberland Avenue Merchants before and after the game!
There will also be a community remembrance of those lost in the 9-11-01 attacks. The service will be held on the City County Building Lawn at 8:45 a.m., Saturday, September, 11th. We will never forget.
Thanks for your continued interest; have a fun and safe weekend!
Friday, September 3, 2010
September 3rd Update
CAMA Update
On Wednesday, September 1st the Cumberland Avenue Merchants Association (CAMA) held their regularly scheduled monthly meeting at 3:00pm in the Old College Inn Restaurant. Several businesses were represented as well as KPD, the Metropolitan Drug Commission, UT Athletic Department, UT Safety, Environment & Education Center and City staff. City staff provided an update on the Cumberland Ave. Streetscape Plan and the Form Based Code. Additionally, City staff announced the Ft. Sanders Stakeholder meeting and the merchants elected a representative to attend that meeting.
Also at this meeting, UT Federal Credit Union announced that free parking is available to the Public at the Credit Union, 2100 White Avenue, weekdays after 6:00pm, and weekends except for game days. This is a generous offer which will support businesses during evening and weekend hours! This is a trial run, so please make sure to use the lot with respect.
Ft. Sanders Stakeholders Quarterly Meeting Update
Thanks to everyone who attended yesterday's stakeholders meeting; there was great attendance. The meeting minutes are being compiled and will be posted sometime next week. The agenda of the meeting included a welcome and introductions; Ft. Sanders codes sweep and educational opportunity; long range planning implementation strategy discussion; stakeholder updates and future meeting time.
KUB Updates
From: KUB Community Relations (Contact No. 594-7988)
Re: Traffic Advisory – Road Closures for Utility Construction
Lake Avenue Road Closure [September 7-9] – Beginning on Tuesday, September 7, and lasting through Thursday, September 9, KUB and its contractor will close a section of Lake Avenue between Melrose Place and Eighteenth Street to thru traffic daily from 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. in association with ongoing sewer system upgrades in the area. Crews will not work and the road
closure will not be in effect on Monday, September 6, due to the Labor Day holiday.
Some listed closures may extend beyond the scheduled times depending on the conditions encountere during excavation and construction. Appropriate traffic control measures will be in place at each location to assist motorists traveling in these areas. Due to the ongoing presence of workers and equipment, motorists are advised to use extreme caution and expect temporary delays in these areas.
Weekend Opportunities
Tonight is First Friday Downtown from 5:00-9:00 pm, there are several galleries and shops that will be open this evening with special exhibits, check it out! Don't forget there is free parking at the Locust Street, State Street and Market Square garages and the Old City lot under James White Parkway.

The University of Tennessee's season opener is on Saturday at Neyland Stadium. Be sure to stop in and support our Cumberland Avenue Merchants. If you're interested in informaiton related to downtown parking for football games please visit here. Go Vols!
Finally, the 23rd Anniversary Boomsday Celebration will be Sunday, September 5th for more information regarding parking, what to bring and not to bring, boating, and road closures, please visit the city's website, here.
Thanks for your continued interest. Please have a safe and fun holiday weekend!
Friday, August 27, 2010
August 27th Update
Public Meeting Announcement for Ft. Sanders Quarterly Meeting
What: Fort Sanders Stakeholders Meeting
When: 3 p.m., Thursday, September 2
Where: Ballroom B, University of Tennessee Visitor Center, 2704 Kingston Pike
Who: Anyone with an interest in the long range planning of Fort Sanders Neighborhood and surrounding areas. City of Knoxville and MPC staff will conduct the meeting which will include updates on the Cumberland Avenue Corridor Plan and updates on the draft long range planning document for Fort Sanders, developed through a series of public meetings last year. The Ft. Sanders plan will be postponed from the MPC September agenda in order to allow for more consensus building.
The draft plan updates the 2000 Fort Sanders Neighborhood Forum Plan. Thursday’s meeting is the third in a series of quarterly meetings aimed at continuing communication between the stakeholders in the Fort Sanders Neighborhood including small businesses, residents, the City of Knoxville and organizations like Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center and the University of Tennessee.
KUB Updates
From: KUB Community Relations (Contact No. 594-7988)
Re: Traffic Advisory – Road Closures for Utility Construction
Lake Avenue Road Closure [August 30 – September 3] – Beginning on Monday, August 30, and lasting through Friday, September 3, KUB and its contractor will close a section of Lake Avenue between Melrose Place and Terrace Avenue to thru traffic daily from 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. in association with ongoing sewer system upgrades in the area.
Some listed closures may extend beyond the scheduled times depending on the conditions encountered during excavation and construction. Appropriate traffic control measures will be in place at each location to assist motorists traveling in these areas. Due to the ongoing presence of workers and equipment, motorists are advised to use extreme caution and expect temporary delays in these areas.
Finally, don't forget the Jazz Fest and Farmer's Market downtown this weekend and next weekend is Boomsday (for more information visit: Thanks for your continued interest; I hope everyone enjoys the beautiful summer weather.
Friday, August 6, 2010
August 6th Update
The Cumberland Avenue Corridor project continues to move forward in detail design. Today staff from Engineering and Policy & Communications met with representatives from KUB, AT&T, Comcast and our project consultants to discuss the overhead utility lines and assess situations on site. The city is close to making a decision regarding where to move the overhead utility line from Cumberland Avenue and we will keep you posted on this issue.
Additionally, in the next week or two KUB will begin the process of site preparation and clearing for the new utility substation at 17th Street and Dale Ave. For more information please visit KUB's special projects page.
Thanks for your continued interest and have a great weekend. Don't forget the First Friday events throughout Downtown this evening!
Friday, July 30, 2010
July 30th Update
Thanks to everyone who attended yesterday's special called stakeholder meeting. Minutes from this meeting will be compiled and posted sometime next week for anyone who was unable to attend.
A few follow up items came out of the discussion: 1) The Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) meeting in which Ft. Sanders Regional Hospital will be requesting several variances will be held on August 19th at 4:00pm in the City County Building, for more information please visit:; and 2) The Ft. Sanders Long Range Plan will be postponed from the August MPC agenda to September in order to allow stakeholders time to discuss additional points of concern and interest.
City Resurfacing Program:
The city of Knoxville's resurfacing program will be working in the Ft. Sanders neighborhood starting immediately and lasting for a few weeks. The streets that will be milled and re-surfaced are listed below:
Twenty First - from Cumberland to Forest
Twenty Second - From Cumberland to Forest
Twenty Third - From Clinch to Forest
Laurel - From Twenty Second to the west
Clinch - From Nineteenth to the west
White - From Twenty Second to the west
For questions or concerns regarding this work, please contact the city's Traffic Engineering Department at 865.215.6100.
KUB Updates:
The Knoxville Utility Board has announced several projects that will impact the Ft. Sanders area, please see the information listed below.
KUB Community Relations (Contact No. 594-7988)
Traffic Advisory – Road and lane closures for utility construction (weather permitting)
Seventeenth Street Road Closure (Aug. 2) – KUB crews completing sewer system upgrades will close all lanes on a section of Seventeenth Street between the Cumberland Avenue and Clinch Avenue intersections from 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. on Monday, August 2. Traffic will be detoured around the construction zone via Sixteenth Street to Clinch Avenue during this period.
Neyland Drive Lane Closures (Aug. 3 – 6) – KUB’s contractor will implement temporary lane closures on a section of Neyland Drive between Lake Loudoun Boulevard and Leinard Lane nightly from 7 p.m. – 7 a.m. and daily from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. starting on Tuesday evening, August 3, and lasting through Friday afternoon, August 6, to facilitate the installation of a water line
and roadway resurfacing. One eastbound and both westbound lanes of Neyland Drive will remain open at all times during these periods. All lanes on this section of Neyland Drive will be reopened each morning from 7 – 9 a.m. to accommodate morning commuter traffic.
PACE 10 Work - Beginning in early August 2010 and lasting through May 2011 (weather permitting), KUB and its contractors will make wastewater collection system improvements in your area as part of the PACE 10 program. PACE 10 is KUB’s accelerated 10-year wastewater
improvement program to aggressively attack the problem of sewer overflows and to provide a wastewater system that can better serve current and future customers.
Construction will take place along sections of Lake Avenue, Terrace Avenue, Caledonia Avenue, Twentieth Street, Nineteenth Street, Mountcastle Street, Twenty First Street, Twenty Second Street, Twentieth Street, and along a portion of the alleyway running between Cumberland Avenue and Lake Avenue (from Nineteenth Street and Twenty Second Street). Limited work may also be required on weekends to facilitate timely completion of this project.
If you have questions or concerns regarding this project, please call Reno Hall with KUB Customer Support at (865) 558-2117 (office) or 705-2817 (mobile) from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. If you have questions after hours, contact KUB at 524-2911.
Knox Heritage Update:
Knox Heritage announced a "Green House Open House" for Saturday August 21, 2010. The public is invited to attend a free open house to tour the building and grounds, ask questions of the designers, contractors and KH staff, and see sustainable design and construction methods in practice. The house located in Fort Sanders at 1011 Victorian Way (formerly 1011 Laurel Avenue), near the intersection of Laurel and 11th and near Fort Kid. No need to RSVP, just show up from 12:00 to 5:00 p.m. For more information please visit:
Thanks again for your continued interest in all things that impact Cumberland Avenue and the surrounding area. Have a great weekend!
Friday, July 23, 2010
July 23rd Update
What: Fort Sanders Stakeholders Meeting to review variances requested by Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center for proposed new signs and wayfinding measures on the hospital’s campus
When: 3:30 p.m., Thursday, July 29
Where: 2nd Floor Classrooms (A&B) at the Howard Baker Jr. Center for Public Policy, 1640 Cumberland Avenue
Who: Representatives from the hospital will make a presentation and there will be an opportunity for questions and comments. Other stakeholders will also have an opportunity to present updates.
Anyone with an interest in the long range planning of Fort Sanders Neighborhood and surrounding areas is invited to attend.
Friday, July 16, 2010
July 16th Update
There will be a special called Ft. Sanders Stakeholder Meeting on Thursday, July 29th at 3:30 p.m. in the 2nd Floor Classrooms (A&B) of the Howard Baker Jr. Center for Public Policy located on the University of Tennessee campus at 1640 Cumberland Avenue. Recommended parking is either on-street within the neighborhood or at the public parking garage on campus.
The primary purpose of this meeting will be to review the requested variances by Ft. Sanders Regional Medical Center for their campus signs and wayfinding. Representatives from the hospital will present this information to the group and there will be an opportunity for questions and comments.
Other stakeholders will also have an opportunity to present updates. Please feel free to contact me at if you have any questions or comments.
KUB Traffic Advisory:
Re: Traffic Advisory – Road and lane closures for utility construction (weather permitting)
White Avenue Road Closure (July 19-30) – KUB crews completing sewer system upgrades will close a section of White Avenue to thru traffic between 16th Street and 17th Street around the clock starting on Monday, July 19, and lasting through Friday, July 30. Construction activity will be limited to daylight hours only; however, the road closure will remain in effect for the duration of the project due to ongoing excavation in the roadway and the presence of construction equipment.
Cumberland Avenue Lane Closures (July 20-21) – KUB contractor crews will temporarily reduce a section of Cumberland Avenue to one eastbbound and one westbound lane between Volunteer Boulevard and Phillip Fulmer Way overnight from 7 p.m. – 7 a.m., beginning Tuesday evening, July 20, and lasting through Wednesday morning, July 21, as sewer system upgrades are completed. All lanes of Cumberland Avenue will be reopened to traffic starting a 7 a.m.
on July 21.
Some listed closures may extend beyond the scheduled times depending on the conditions encountered during construction. Appropriate traffic control measures will be in place at each location to assist motorists traveling in these areas. Due to the ongoing presence of workers and
equipment, motorists are advised to use caution and expect temporary delays in these areas.
For more information or questions contact KUB Community Relations (Contact No. 594-7988).
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
June 13th - KUB Update
Re: Traffic Advisory – Lane and road closures for utility construction (weather permitting)
Kingston Pike Lane Closure – KUB crews will close the righthand westbound lane of traffic on a section of Kingston Pike between the Alcoa Highway overpass and S. Concord Street daily from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. on Wednesday, July 14, and Thursday, July 15, as upgrades are made to the natural gas distribution system. One westbound lane and all eastbound lanes will remain open during this closure.
Appropriate traffic control measures and devices will be in place at each
location to maintain traffic flow and alert motorists to the closures. Due
to the presence of workers and equipment, motorists are advised to expect
possible delays and use caution when traveling in this area.
Friday, July 9, 2010
July 9th Update
The city has recently met with KUB to continue conversations about a new utility substation in the Ft. Sanders area. KUB has worked with the city, representatives of the neighborhood, Dow Chemical, the University of Tennessee, the hospitals and other stakeholders to determine a good location, discuss ways to minimize negative impacts, and improve aesthetics of the facility to compliment the neighborhood. The new electric substation in the Dale Avenue/Seventeenth Street area would support growth at UT and provide increased reliability to UT, area hospitals, DOW, and the Fort Sanders community.
For more information on the substation project, please visit KUB's website at Special Projects and scroll to the Proposed UT Substation information. A map of the location and two possible designs of the exterior can be downloaded from this page. You can also ask questions or make comments by e-mailing
In a move that caught many by surprise, Ft. Sanders Regional Hospital / Covenant Health demolished two houses on Laurel Avenue this past week. This was an appropriately permitted activity on properties the hospital had recently acquired. The properties are not a part of the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay or the National Register Historic District (which require additional approval from the Historic Zoning Commission prior to demolition).
The draft of the Ft. Sanders Neighborhood District Long Range Plan has been postponed until the August 12th MPC meeting in order to allow additional stakeholders input and refinement of the document. A copy of the document is in the links section of this page and comments can be sent to
The city remains committed to working with all stakeholders to improve communication and support quality development in the area. Thanks for your interest and have a great weekend!
Friday, June 25, 2010
June 25th Update
Also KUB just released this information regarding Tyson Park:
For more information, contact: KUB Community Relations - 865-594-7988
KUB and its contractor will conduct testing on wastewater pipelines to facilitate future upgrades to the system in Tyson Park from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. beginning Monday, June 28 and lasting through Friday, July 2. This work will take place near the tennis courts between Third Creek and the bike trail.
Other than using the bike trail and greenway briefly for transportation of contractor equipment, this work will not affect access to the Third Creek Greenway, tennis courts, and other facilities within the park. In addition, area traffic and parking will not be affected.
Appropriate safety barriers will be in place to designate the immediate work area. While the roadway, greenway, and access to all facilities will remain open, park visitors and commuters are advised to use caution in the area due to the presence of workers and equipment.
This work is weather permitting.
I hope everyone is enjoying the first full week of summer! Have a great and safe weekend.
Friday, June 18, 2010
June 18th Update
It was a productive meeting with an overview of the process that has occured to date and the goals of the plan. Owners were able to understand that while this was not a rezoning of property that plans are the basis of future land use. Some of the owners noted that it was important that the institutions in the area had participated in the process. The conclusion of the meeting was that the City would request an additional 30 day postponement (to the August 12th MPC meeting) so that these owners have plenty of time to digest the information included in the plan and then get back together with staff to ask any questions that they might have or make suggestions on ways to improve the document. If there are any substative changes identified through this process we will reconvene the full Ft. Sanders Stakeholder Committee prior to sending the document to MPC for consideration.
Next week City staff and the Cumberland Ave. consultants will be meeting with various utilities regarding the streetscape plan and options for removing the overhead utility lines. We'll keep you posted on the outcome of that meeting. As always, thanks for your continued interest and have a safe and fun weekend!
Friday, June 11, 2010
June 11th Update
As promised last week, the meeting minutes from the Ft. Sanders Stakeholder Quarterly Meeting are now posted under the links section on the right hand side of this page. Feel free to contact me at if you have any questions or corrections.
On Thursday, the final draft of the Ft. Sanders Neighborhood District Long Range Planning Implementation Strategy was scheduled to be heard at the regular monthly meeting of the Metropolitan Planning Commission (MPC). However, we were contacted Thursday morning by some property owners in the area who had questions about the plan and its impact to their property. In the interest of continuing and increasing communications with these stakeholders, the City requested that MPC postpone its hearing of this document for 30 days in order to allow time for the City and MPC to meet with these property owners. The plan is now scheduled to be heard at the July 8th meeting at 1:30 pm in the Large Assembly Room of the City County Building.
Finally, a possible item of interest:
Knox Heritage is holding an "architectural salvage sale" all day Friday, June 11, and from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. on Saturday, June 12, at their offices at 1300 North Broadway - in the carriage house of the WATE-TV property. For more information visit:
Monday, June 7, 2010
June 7th Update
Re: Traffic Advisory – White Avenue Road Closure
White Avenue – KUB and its contractor will temporarily close a section of
White Avenue between 16th Street and 17th Street to thru traffic daily
from 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. weekdays between June 7-11 and June 14-18 as sewer
system upgrades are completed in this area. All intersections will remain
open during construction. Access to parking facilities in this area will
remain open. This section of White Avenue will be reopened to traffic the
weekend of June 12-13 and during overnight hours through the week.
Appropriate traffic control measures will be in place at this location to
alert motorists of the closure. Motorists are advised to expect possible
delays and use caution when traveling in this area.
Friday, June 4, 2010
June 4th Update
One item that was covered in the meeting was the Ft. Sanders Neighborhood District Long Range Planning Implementation Strategy document. This is the draft plan prepared by the Metropolitan Planning Commission (MPC) that documents the Ft. Sanders Long Range Planning efforts and recommendations. This document will be sent to the monthly MPC meeting for consideration and a recommendation next week, on Thursday, June 10 at 1:30 pm. That meeting is held in the Large Assembly Room of the City County Building for anyone interested in attending.
The final draft of the planning document with pictures and maps is available at MPC's agenda website: from that page click on the agenda package, and then click on the link to item #6. The plan is contained in the subject line link. The next step for this document, if MPC gives a postive recomendation, is to send it to City Council for consideration.
Thanks so much for your continued interest and support of the Ft. Sanders area! I hope everyone has a great weekend - don't forget First Friday and the International Biscuit Festival.
Friday, May 28, 2010
May 28th Update
What: Fort Sanders Stakeholders Meeting
When: 3 p.m., Thursday, June 3
Where: Ballroom B, University of Tennessee Visitor Center, 2704 Kingston Pike
Who: Anyone with an interest in the long range planning of Fort Sanders Neighborhood and surrounding areas.
City of Knoxville and MPC staff will conduct the meeting which will include updates on the Cumberland Avenue Corridor Plan and the draft long range planning document for Fort Sanders, developed through a series of public meetings last year. The draft plan updates the 2000 Fort Sanders Neighborhood Forum Plan.
Thursday’s meeting is the second in a series of quarterly meetings aimed at continuing communication between the stakeholders in the Fort Sanders Neighborhood including small businesses, residents, the City of Knoxville and organizations like Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center and the University of Tennessee.
Hope to see you on Thursday; have a great and safe Memorial Day Weekend!
For anyone interested in a local observance of Memorial Day a Ceremony to "Honor the Fallen" will be held at East TN Veterans Memorial in World's Fair Park from 10 am to 11 am on Monday May 31st. To Remember, Honor, Educate and Inspire…Please join East Tennessee in honoring those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for this country. For more information visit:
Thursday, May 20, 2010
May 20th Update
Cumberland Avenue Lane Closures Extended – The lane reductions on Cumberland Avenue between 16th Street and James Agee Street have been extended to run through this weekend, May 21-23,. This work and lane closures were originally scheduled to end at 7 p.m., Thursday, May 20, and go into effect again at 7 a.m., Monday, May 24; however, work this weekend is necessary to facilitate timely completion of sewer system upgrades in this area.
One eastbound lane and one westbound lane on Cumberland Avenue will remain open to traffic between 16th Street and James Agee Street. All construction activities and lane closures are scheduled for completion in this area by Thursday, June 17 (weather permitting). The lane closures in this area will be in effect 24 hours a day. After this weekend, a four-days-a-week lane closure - starting at 7 a.m. on Mondays and lasting around the clock through 7 p.m. Thursdays - is expected to resume for the duration of this project.
Customers with questions can call (865) 558-2330. Thanks.
Monday, May 17, 2010
May 17th Update

This design direction will provide the starting point for our consultants, Vaughn & Melton and will be developed over the next 12 months. A press release has been sent to City Council and local media outlets and is included under the links section on the right side of this page.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at Thanks and have a great week!
Friday, May 14, 2010
May 14th Update
Traffic Advisory
May 14, 2010
From: KUB Community Relations (Contact No. 594-7988)
Re: Traffic Advisory – Lane closures for utility construction (weather permitting)
Neyland Drive Lane Closures – KUB’s contractor will reduce a section of Neyland Drive to one eastbound lane and one westbound lane between Lake Loudoun Boulevard and Leinard Lane daily from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., starting on Monday, May 17, and lasting through, Friday, May 21, as roadway preparations are made in advance of utility work. One east- and one westbound lane of Neyland Drive will remain open during this period. All lanes on this section of Neyland Drive will be reopened during overnight hours.
Cumberland Avenue Lane Closures – KUB’s contractor will reduce a section of Cumberland Avenue to one eastbound lane and one westbound lane between 16th Street and James Agee Street starting on Monday, May 17, and lasting through Thursday, June 17, as sewer system upgrades are completed. The lane closures in this area will be in effect 24 hours a day, four days a week, starting at 7 a.m. on Mondays and lasting through 7 p.m. Thursdays during this four-week period.
Contact KUB at 594-7531 if you have questions about this or any other KUB construction activities.
Friday, April 30, 2010
April 30th Update
As always, if you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me at I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Friday, April 23, 2010
April 23rd Update
Also the City will be taking additional comments until Thursday, April 29th (10 days after the meeting). Please find the comment card on the same page as the presentation (; it is an editable PDF file and once filled in please save and send it as an attachement to me at Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to submit comments.
Hope everyone has a wonderful and safe weekend! Don't forget some of the great events happening in the area: Dogwood Arts Parade (tonight on Gay St.), Pork Knox Q-Fest (tonight at World's Fair Park), Rossini Festival(tomorrow, 12-9 pm at Market Sq.), and Bikes & Blooms (tomorrow, 9:00 am, Sequoyah Hills Trail).
Friday, April 16, 2010
April 16th Update

6:00 pm
University Visitors Center
(former Faculty Club)
2704 Kingston Pike
The purpose of this meeting will be to inform the public of the Cumberland Avenue Corridor Project status, present the concept designs for the streetscape and to receive comments and suggestions. The City has received a notice to proceed with detail design from TDOT and therefore has met the requirements for Environmental Clearance for the Streetscape Project. There will be an overview presentation about the project history and updates on the urban design plan for the corridor.
Please plan to attend.
The Press Release for this meeting is available at:
Also there are stories about the project from the local media in the Links sections to the right of this page.
As always thanks for your interest, have a great weekend and hope to see you on Monday!
Friday, March 26, 2010
March 26th Update
The public meeting regarding Cumberland Avenue Corridor Streetscape Concepts will be held on Monday, April 19th at 6:00pm in the University of Tennessee's Visitors' Center, 2704 Kingston Pike. Parking is available on site. Please make plans to attend, provide your input, and invite others who might be interested in this project. A press release regarding the meeting will be forthcoming and will be posted on the City's website,
As always if you have any questions or comments regarding the project, please feel free to contact me at
Thursday, March 18, 2010
KUB Traffic Advisory - Laurel Ave.
From: KUB Community Relations (Contact No. 865-594-7988)
Re: Traffic Advisory – Lane Closure for Utility Construction (weather permitting)
Laurel Avenue Lane Closure – KUB crews will reduce traffic to one lane on a short section of Laurel Avenue between Nineteenth Street and Twentieth Street from 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. on Friday, March 19, as natural gas lines are relocated in this area.
Appropriate traffic control measures will be in place to alert motorists to the lane shift. Due to the ongoing presence of workers and equipment, motorists are advised to use caution and expect temporary delays at this location.
Friday, March 5, 2010
March 5th Update

Please note that Appendix C will have images added to it, prior to finalizing the document. Also the Plan will be sent to MPC and City Council for adoption as an update to the 2000 Fort Sanders Forum Plan after a period for review.
If anyone is interested in assisting with the facilitation of the future quarterly meetings, please let me know. The dates for the rest of the year are June 3, September 2, and December 2; the meetings will be on the first Thursday of the month at 3:00pm, location to be determined.
Finally, this is the First Friday of the month and that means lots of great activities downtown - hope you can get out and enjoy some of them. Have a wonderful weekend!
Monday, March 1, 2010
March 3rd Update
The meeting Agenda and Press Release regarding the meeting are available in the Links section of this page. If you have any questions, please contact me at
Thanks and have a great day!
Friday, February 19, 2010
February 19th Update
Date: March 4, 2010
Time: 3:00 pm
Location: Ballroom B, UT's Visitors' Center, 2704 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN
Please make plans to attend this meeting updating last year's stakeholder meetings. An agenda will be posted next week here on the blog. Also please note the location is different from the previous meetings; parking is available on site at UT's Visitors' Center.
Also this week, City staff received more good news from the Tennessee Department of Transportation regarding the Cumberland Avenue Streetscape Project. The Environmental Division has reviewed the proposed project for compliance with environmental laws and regulations. The project as proposed will not directly, indirectly or cumulatively have any significant environmental impacts. This assessment has been forwarded to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) for their review and approval. The next step for the streetscape project, once reviewed and approved by FHWA, will be the detailed design of the street. We will keep you posted on this process and let you know about any public meetings for the detail design. I would like to thank our consultants, City Engineering and TDOT for all their hard work and efforts to compile the necessary information for the Programmatic Categorical Exclusion for this project.
Thanks for your continued interest and have a great weekend.
Friday, February 12, 2010
February 12th Update
The city of Knoxville has recently been informed that the Tennessee Department of Transporation (TDOT) has selected the Ft. Sanders Sidewalk Improvement request for Fiscal Year 2010 Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Funds. This decision was based on a recommendation from the Knoxville Regional Transporation Planning Organization (TPO). The funds will be used to repair, replace and install sidewalks in the northwest portion of the neighborhood. I would like to thank TDOT, the TPO, and City Engineering for their assistance and guidance with this project. The grant amount is $250,000 and is programmed to be fully funded by TDOT. More information will be forthcoming as this project gets developed with the state.
Have a great weekend! Happy Valentine's Day, Happy President's Day, and thank you for your continued interest in all things that connect to Cumberland Avenue!
Friday, February 5, 2010
February 5th Update
Ft. Sanders Stakeholder Meeting is scheduled for the first Thursday in March at 3:00 pm. This meeting was requested at the conclusion meeting of the Ft. Sanders Long Range Planning process and is anticipated to be a quarterly meeting throughout the year. Additional information and meeting location will be provided on the blog closer to date.
KUB announced that on February 1st, that the small parking area will close at the south end of the Third Creek Greenway near the Neyland Greenway intersection in association with a planned PACE 10 wastewater collection system improvement project in this area. The wastewater project will replace 2,100 feet of wastewater trunkline
along Third Creek. KUB will also construct a 6.5 million gallon wastewater storage tank at the west end of the Kuwahee Wastewater Treatment Plant. The overall project is scheduled for completion by spring 2011, weather permitting. For more information, please contact KUB Community Relations: (865) 594-7988
Have a great weekend and don't forget tonight's First Friday events downtown!
Friday, January 29, 2010
January 29th Update
Also this week, I was invited to participate in a panel discussion at the Nashville Complete Streets Workshop. Complete Streets are road networks that are safer, more livable, and welcoming to everyone. It was a great opportunity to discuss the Cumberland Ave. Streetscape project and the efforts of both local and state government to transform this strip into a more attractive, economically successful, vibrant and safe corridor.
If you would like more information about the workshop please visit:
If you're interested in the Complete Streets Design Guidelines that were created for the Knoxville Regional Transporation Planning Organization (TPO) by Gresham Smith and Partners please visit:
Thanks for your continued interest! I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable weekend.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Happy New Year! January 8th Update
City staff is continuing to meet with property and buisness owners along the corridor to discuss the draft Cumberland Ave. Corridor Form District and the concept designs for the Streetscape project. If you or someone you know would be interested in a one on one meeting regarding your property or business and this plan, please contact Anne Wallace at Also the draft code is currently being reviewed by the city's law department and an independent consultant.
Staff also attended the Cumberland Ave. Merchants Association (CAMA) and provided a project update on Wednesday, January 6th. The CAMA meets the first Wednesday of every month at 3:00 pm in the Old College Inn to discuss items of interest for merchants along the corridor; everyone is welcome and invited to attend. If you would like more information about CAMA, please visit:
Finally, staff is finalizing the recommendations that came out of the Ft. Sanders Long Range Planning effort and will post the recommendations on this blog in the next few weeks.
Thanks for your continued interest and have a safe, happy, and prosperous new year!