We are pleased to announce that the city of Knoxville administration staff has decided on a course of action regarding the detail design of the Cumberland Ave Corridor Project. We will be pursuing the 3 lane cross section with the two way left turn lane and wider sidewalks, also known as Option 1B in the presentation materials. A veiw of this cross section, provided by Carol R. Johnson & Assoc., is below.

This design direction will provide the starting point for our consultants, Vaughn & Melton and will be developed over the next 12 months. A press release has been sent to City Council and local media outlets and is included under the links section on the right side of this page.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at awallace@cityofknoxville.org. Thanks and have a great week!
Where exactly are the bikes supposed to go? In the narrow traffic lanes with KAT buses? This seems like a step backward.