Friday, July 9, 2010

July 9th Update

We hope everyone had a safe and happy Independence Day!

The city has recently met with KUB to continue conversations about a new utility substation in the Ft. Sanders area. KUB has worked with the city, representatives of the neighborhood, Dow Chemical, the University of Tennessee, the hospitals and other stakeholders to determine a good location, discuss ways to minimize negative impacts, and improve aesthetics of the facility to compliment the neighborhood. The new electric substation in the Dale Avenue/Seventeenth Street area would support growth at UT and provide increased reliability to UT, area hospitals, DOW, and the Fort Sanders community.

For more information on the substation project, please visit KUB's website at Special Projects and scroll to the Proposed UT Substation information. A map of the location and two possible designs of the exterior can be downloaded from this page. You can also ask questions or make comments by e-mailing

In a move that caught many by surprise, Ft. Sanders Regional Hospital / Covenant Health demolished two houses on Laurel Avenue this past week. This was an appropriately permitted activity on properties the hospital had recently acquired. The properties are not a part of the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay or the National Register Historic District (which require additional approval from the Historic Zoning Commission prior to demolition).

The draft of the Ft. Sanders Neighborhood District Long Range Plan has been postponed until the August 12th MPC meeting in order to allow additional stakeholders input and refinement of the document. A copy of the document is in the links section of this page and comments can be sent to

The city remains committed to working with all stakeholders to improve communication and support quality development in the area. Thanks for your interest and have a great weekend!

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