City staff attended the Cumberland Avenue Merchant's Association (CAMA) Meeting this week and provided a project update. The City is still in a public comment period on the draft form code and streetscape concept designs. There were several new attedees at the meeting and everyone was glad to see additional businesses represented at this meeting. The next CAMA meeting will be March 3, at 3:00 pm in the Old College Inn.
Ft. Sanders Stakeholder Meeting is scheduled for the first Thursday in March at 3:00 pm. This meeting was requested at the conclusion meeting of the Ft. Sanders Long Range Planning process and is anticipated to be a quarterly meeting throughout the year. Additional information and meeting location will be provided on the blog closer to date.
KUB announced that on February 1st, that the small parking area will close at the south end of the Third Creek Greenway near the Neyland Greenway intersection in association with a planned PACE 10 wastewater collection system improvement project in this area. The wastewater project will replace 2,100 feet of wastewater trunkline
along Third Creek. KUB will also construct a 6.5 million gallon wastewater storage tank at the west end of the Kuwahee Wastewater Treatment Plant. The overall project is scheduled for completion by spring 2011, weather permitting. For more information, please contact KUB Community Relations: (865) 594-7988
Have a great weekend and don't forget tonight's First Friday events downtown!
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