Friday, June 11, 2010

June 11th Update

It has been a busy week here! On Monday, City staff met with our consultants on the Cumberland Ave. Streetscape Project and officially kicked off our detailed design process. One of the first steps to this process will be a utility coordination meeting that will help the City understand the options and costs associated with removing the overhead utility lines from Cumberland Ave. This meeting will occur before the end of the month and we'll keep you posted as details emerge.

As promised last week, the meeting minutes from the Ft. Sanders Stakeholder Quarterly Meeting are now posted under the links section on the right hand side of this page. Feel free to contact me at if you have any questions or corrections.

On Thursday, the final draft of the Ft. Sanders Neighborhood District Long Range Planning Implementation Strategy was scheduled to be heard at the regular monthly meeting of the Metropolitan Planning Commission (MPC). However, we were contacted Thursday morning by some property owners in the area who had questions about the plan and its impact to their property. In the interest of continuing and increasing communications with these stakeholders, the City requested that MPC postpone its hearing of this document for 30 days in order to allow time for the City and MPC to meet with these property owners. The plan is now scheduled to be heard at the July 8th meeting at 1:30 pm in the Large Assembly Room of the City County Building.

Finally, a possible item of interest:
Knox Heritage is holding an "architectural salvage sale" all day Friday, June 11, and from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. on Saturday, June 12, at their offices at 1300 North Broadway - in the carriage house of the WATE-TV property. For more information visit:

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