Tuesday, November 9, 2010
6:00 pm in Ballrooms A & B
UT’s Visitors’ Center (former Faculty Club)
2704 Kingston Pike (corner of Kingston Pike and Neyland Drive)
This meeting is open to the public and everyone is welcome to attend. City of Knoxville Staff and Project Consultants will give a presentation updating the public on the detail design work of the Streetscape project which will include information about the typical street section, landscape amenities and utility work. If you have any questions, please contact Anne Wallace at awallace@cityofknoxville.org
Fort Sanders Stakeholders Update
As promised, the minutes from the most recent Ft. Sanders Stakeholders' meeting are posted in the Link section of the blog or you can access them here. If you have any questions or comments regarding the minutes please send them to me at awallace@cityofknoxville.org.
Additionally, one of the stakeholder updates included a discussion of the Ft. Sanders Traffic Calming Plan that was requested by the Historic Fort Sanders Neighborhood Association and was prepared in conjuntion with the East TN Community Design Center and City Engineering. Below is a copy of the plan. The stakeholders present responded with general support for the plan. The next Stakeholders meeting is scheduled for Thursday, December 2 at 4:30 pm, location to be determined closer to date.
CAMA Update
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Cumberland Avenue Merchants Association is scheduled for Wednesday, November 3rd at 3:00 pm in the Old College Inn. Members and guests are welcome. Come hear more about what your neighbors are up to!
Weekend Opportunities
There are a number of events in and around downtown tonight and throughout the weekend, for more information visit the City's website, here, and click on the calendar of events on the left hand side.
Saturday, October 30
Race for the Cure 5 K & Walk, World's Fair Park, 8:30 am, Race for the Cure is a 5 K and 1 mile Run/Walk to benefit Komen Knoxville - a breast cancer organization.
Tennessee Volunteers take on the South Carolina Gamecocks in Columbia. Game starts at 12:21 pm and is televised. Go Vols!
This weekend would be a great chance to visit some of your favorite spots on Cumberland Ave. Thanks for your continued interest; we hope to see you out at the public meeting. Have a great and safe weekend!
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