Friday, August 6, 2010

August 6th Update

Greetings! As promised the meeting notes from the July 29th Ft. Sanders Stakeholder meeting are now posted in the Links section on the right hand side of this page. Please review these notes and let me know if you have any additions, corrections, or questions. I can be reached at

The Cumberland Avenue Corridor project continues to move forward in detail design. Today staff from Engineering and Policy & Communications met with representatives from KUB, AT&T, Comcast and our project consultants to discuss the overhead utility lines and assess situations on site. The city is close to making a decision regarding where to move the overhead utility line from Cumberland Avenue and we will keep you posted on this issue.

Additionally, in the next week or two KUB will begin the process of site preparation and clearing for the new utility substation at 17th Street and Dale Ave. For more information please visit KUB's special projects page.

Thanks for your continued interest and have a great weekend. Don't forget the First Friday events throughout Downtown this evening!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for keeping us updated about the Cumberland Ave. Corridor Project!
