Friday, April 29, 2011

April 29th Update

Quarterly Fort Sanders Stakeholder Meeting

What: Fort Sanders Stakeholders Meeting
When: Thursday, May 5, 2011 at 4:30 p.m.
Where: Classroom 1, Fort Sanders Regional Hospital, 1819 Clinch Avenue. Please enter the hospital via the red canopy on Clinch. Signs will direct you to the Classroom.
Who: Anyone with an interest in the long range planning of Fort Sanders Neighborhood and surrounding areas.
Parking: Is available in the garage adjacent to Thompson Cancer Center at the corner of Clinch Avenue and 19th Street. Please bring your pass to the meeting and parking will be validated by Ft. Sanders Staff.

The purpose of the meeting will be to continue communication between the stakeholders in the Fort Sanders Neighborhood and to tour the new Center for Advanced Medicine at Fort Sanders Regional Hospital. This meeting is open to the public.

UT Update
Today is the last day of classes for the 2010-2011 Academic Year. Congratulations to the students for finishing classes! Best of luck with final exams, May 3-9. Graduation ceremonies will take place May 11-13.

Weekend Events

Friday, April 29
Dogwood Mile
Market Square, Gay St. & Wall Ave.
Kids Run: 6PM
1 Mile Run: 8:30PM
Walk, job or sprint through the streets of downtown Knoxville in this family friendly race.

Dogwood Arts Parade
Gay Street
A living breathing celebration of art, nature and community floating down Gay Street.

Saturday, April 30
Dogwood Classic 5K Run/Walk
Cherokee Blvd.
5K Run/Walk to celebrate the Dogwood season

Farmers Market
Market Square and Market Street
9:00AM - 2:00PM
Locally grown produce, meat, eggs and plants, as well as locally made artisan foods & crafts

Chalk Walk
Market Square, Krutch Park and Krutch Park Extension
8:00AM - 5:00PM
Family Friendly Fun! Downtown sidewalks become the canvas for professional & student artists during this street painting festival.

I hope everyone survived the severe weather this week and can enjoy the beautiful weekend ahead. Be safe and have fun. As always, thank you for your interest in all things related to Cumberland Avenue.

Friday, April 15, 2011

April 19th Update

University of Tennessee Master Plan

The University of Tennessee at Knoxville announced on Friday, April 15th that they will hold a public meeting about the campus Master Plan. The public meeting will be for the community to review the draft master plan for the Knoxville and agricultural campuses. The meeting is set for 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday, April 21, at the UT Visitors’ Center. The UT Visitors’ Center is located at 2712 Neyland Drive, Knoxville, Tenn., 37996. Parking is available at the center.

This community meeting is part of a series of meetings to get feedback on the draft plan. Once finalized, it will be a guide that helps the university pursue its overall goals and make decisions on land usage, placement of buildings and investments in infrastructure.

This new (2011) draft plan is an update to a previous version created in 1994 and updated in 2001.

A key element to moving UT Knoxville from a Top 50 public research university to the ranks of the Top 25 involves having the resources to improve and supplement campus facilities in order to support first-rate academic and research programs, along with student housing and services.

For more information about the master plan, visit or click here.

KUB Update

In a letter dated April 14, 2011 KUB announced that, "As part of ongoing efforts to provide improved utility services to our customers, KUB will soon begin a project to replace commercial/industrial electric meters throughout portions of the University of Tennessee campus and Fort Sanders neighborhood with advanced metering infrastructure that will allow for automated meter reading. KUB will also be placing communication devices on existing natural gas and water meters in the area at the same time".

This project is scheduled to being in the next two (2) weeks. KUB representatives will be contacting impacted companies at least three (3) days in advance of work on their property to coordinate meter exchange. There will be no extra charge on your bill as a result of the meter exchange and it will enhance KUB's meter reading efficiencies, reduce access issues, and help keep rates as low as possible.

If you have any questions regarding this process, feel free to contact a Customer Service Representative at 865.524.2911.

Thanks for your continued interest in all things connected to Cumberland Avenue, I hope to see many of you at the Master Plan Public meeting on Thursday. Have a great week.

Friday, April 8, 2011

April 8th Update

Greetings! I hope everyone is enjoying the spring time weather. This has been another busy week.

CAMA Meeting Update

The April CAMA meeting was well attended at the new location of OCI (1820 Cumberland Avenue) and thanks to Mike Clark for hosting and providing snacks after a busy weekend moving. There were a number of regular attendees and some folks who were back after a hiatus, we were glad to see the General Managers of the Half Barrel, Buffalo Wild Wings and Tin Roof especially!

City Engineering provided an update on their traffic study regarding the Alcoa Highway interchange and the Metron Center Way intersection and it looks like additional study will need to be done prior to making changes. Policy and Communications offered updates on the Streetscape project which is proceeding with detail design and the Urban Design plan or form based code which is being reviewed independently. KPD also provided an update that showed a number of thefts from motor vehicles. These are typcially crimes of opportunity and we would encourage students, employees, guests and residents to make sure to remove valuables from sight and to lock your vehicles.

Additionally, if your business has promotions or information to share please be sure to visit the Merchants Association Blog over at Ana Richters, CAMA intern, is doing a great job, but can always use new information.

Weekend Events
Saturday, April 9

Rossini Festival Italian Street Fair
Gay Street 11:00AM - 10:00PM Rossini Festival Italian Street Fair. Entertainment, arts & crafts, food and beverage.

Bikes 'N Blooms
Ijams Nature Center - Island Home 10:00AM Experience the Dogwood Trails the lean green way - on a bicycle by-way of an organized or self-guided ride. Starting at Ijams Nature Center, we will use the greenways to get to Island Home, tour the neighborhood and return to Ijams. The route is less than 5 miles long and biking through Island Home Neighborhood.

International Dance Challenge
Knoxville Civic Auditorium
Contact 215-8999

I hope you have a safe and fun weekend!

Friday, April 1, 2011

April 1st Update

Happy first day of April and while you may find yourself in the middle of practical jokes this April Fool's Day, its no joke that there are a lot of fun and exciting things happening around Knoxville this week and weekend!

East Tennessee Quality Growth Conference (ETQG) Update

I had the opportunity to attend a number of the sessions at the ETQG "Plain talk on quality growth: tools for action" Conference March 30 and 31. It was exciting to see a number of elected officials (including City Mayor Brown and County Mayor Burchett), municipal staff, special interest groups, general citizens and national experts come together to discuss growth in our 16 county region. One of the main conference highlights was the launch of a new website that will provide a Toolbox of approaches and ideas that can be used to create, foster and maintain quality growth in our region.

I was also able to attend a number of sessions that dealt with land use and transportation issues. Several of the topics discussed, support the goals and ideas of the Cumberland Avenue Corridor Plan including the benefits of density in urban areas and the idea that some traffic congestion can be compared to 'good cholesterol' because it can mean that people want to be at that unique location. Its great to keep these ideas in mind as work progresses on detailed plans for the Cumberland Avenue Streetscape Project.

If you're interested in ETQG, the Conference, or toolbox, please visit their site, here.

For an additional perspective on the Conference, Knoxville News Sentinel Reporter, Josh Flory did a series of posts to his Property Scope blog, here and here.

CAMA Update

The next meeting for the Cumberland Avenue Merchants Association will be next Wednesday, April 6 at 3:00 pm at the new location of the Old College Inn at 1820 Cumberland Ave (just east of 1st Tennessee Bank) and parking will be available just behind OCI's at Graphic Creations, 1809 Lake Avenue . For more information about OCI's move and merchant related information please visit the CAMA Blog, here. CAMA intern, Ana Richters, is doing a great job posting information about CAMA, the merchants and other items of interest!

Weekend Events

Tonight, First FridayDowntown Knoxville, for more information visit:

Friday, April 1 - 30 Dogwood Arts Festival
City wide Showcasing the region's best performing and visual artists in a "blue jean to black tie" festival that has something for everyone! An exciting mix of fine art, dance, theater, crafts, historic tours, and Americana music at its best.

Friday, April 1 - 3 Rhythm 'N Blooms
Various locations throughout Knoxville including Market Square, visit the website for more info. Experience East Tennessee's historical & present role in Americana music with performances by local, regional, and nationally renown musicians.

Saturday, April 2 Covenant Kids Run
World's Fair Park 6:00pm

Sunday, April 3 7th Annual Knoxville Covenant Marathon, Half-Marathon & Marathon Relay
Clinch Ave. Viaduct 7:30am

As always, thanks for your interest in everything connecting to Cumberland Avenue. I hope you have a safe and fun-filled weekend!