Friday, December 9, 2011

December 9th Update

KUB Update

From: KUB Community Relations (Contact No. 594-7988)

Re: Traffic Advisory – Alternating lane closures for utility construction (weather permitting)

Dale Avenue Alternating Lane Closures [December 12, 2011 - April, 2012] - Beginning Monday, December 12, and lasting intermittently through April 2012, KUB and its contractors will close alternating lanes on a section of Dale Avenue between address 621 Dale Avenue and the N. Seventeenth Street intersection daily from 6 a.m. - 7 p.m. as part of construction activities at the new KUB electric substation located at 410 Dale Avenue.

Access to N. Seventeenth Street will not be affected as the contractor will keep one of the three affected lanes on Dale Avenue open at all times during this period. All lanes on this section of Dale Avenue will be reopened to traffic overnight during this period. The new substation at this location will serve as a source of electricity for the growing University of Tennessee campus and improve service and reliability to hospitals, businesses, and residences in the Fort Sanders area. The overall project is scheduled for completion in the spring of 2012, weather permitting.

Neyland Drive Lane Shifts [December 14, 2011 – August 2012] – Beginning on Wednesday, December 14, and lasting through August 2012, KUB and its contractor will close the eastbound curbside lane of traffic on a section of Neyland Drive between Leinard Lane and Lake Loudoun Boulevard as part of ongoing wastewater system upgrades in this area.

Two eastbound lanes will be maintained on this section of Neyland Drive during this period, as the inside lane will remain open and the second eastbound lane will be shifted to the center turn lane through the work zone. Additionally, traffic travelling eastbound on Neyland Drive will not be able to make a lefthand turn into the KUB Kuwahee Wasetwater Treatment Plant on Neyland Drive. The eastbound lane shifts will be in effect continuously until work is completed. Both westbound lanes of Neyland Drive will remain open at all times during this period. Pavement markings, barricades, and signs will be in place to alert and direct traffic through this zone.

Some listed closures may extend beyond the scheduled times depending on the conditions encountered during excavation and construction. Appropriate traffic control measures will be in place at each location to assist motorists traveling in these areas. Due to the ongoing presence of workers and equipment, motorists are advised to use extreme caution and expect temporary delays in these areas.

CAMA Update

The Cumberland Avenue Merchants Association held their monthly meeting on Wednesday, December 7th in the Goal Post Tavern at 3:00pm. There were representatives from KPD, UTPD, Regions Bank, Graphic Creations, Copper Cellar Restaurant, the News Sentinel and City of Knoxville.

The meeting started with an update from KPD and noted that crimes of opportunity, especially related to vehicles, were up last month. Please remember to lock car doors and keep all valuables out of sight (especially GPS units and laptops). The merchants noted that cadets have been actively patrolling the area for on street parking violations and increasing turn over. UTPD gave an update that included their out reach to students in the Fort Sanders neighborhood, encouraging students to prepare for safe holidays (i.e. don't leave valuables in sight, lock doors, leave a light on while away, etc.). Additionally, a good tip for everyone was provided by the representative from Regions bank, don't leave "tell-tale" boxes at the curb for trash pick ups; this alerts would be thieves to items that may be in the home (especially true for t.v. or computer boxes).

The city provided an update on the streetscape project, which noted that consultants had been selected for right of way services and contracts were being negotiated. Additionally, internal work on the form base code was continuing. Conversations were on-going with the hospital in regards to parking. Fort Sanders neighborhood has not requested any stakeholder meetings at this time. UTPD asked city staff to check on the potential signal timing grant and weather or not it included the light at 17th/Melrose and Cumberland Avenue.

Weekend Events

A number of holiday events are occurring this weekend, for a list of fun, family oriented events, please visit

Once again congratulations to all the UT graduates and students for completing this semester! Have a safe and fun weekend. Thanks for your interest in Cumberland Avenue.

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