Friday, July 29, 2011

July 29th Update

University of Tennessee Update

Its hard to believe, but 2011-12 classes start at UTK in less than a month on Wednesday, August 17th. The University of TN Police Department is coordinating a Welcome to UT Safety Campaign targeting students living in the Fort Sanders area.

On August 9, 2011, UTPD and UT Community Partners will participate in a door to door information sharing event targeting UT students. The focus of the year’s campaign will be ‘See Something. Say Something.’ During this brief educational interaction, we will provide resource information in the form of a handbill and magnet. Further information will be available to students via the internet. This one on one event is an excellent opportunity for UT Stakeholders to interact with students in a positive environment. This program lets UT students living in Fort Sanders know that the University cares about them having a safe, successful year and opens the door for communications.

The event starts at 10 am and is scheduled to last 2-3 hours. If interested in volunteering for this event, please contact Lt. Emily Simerly 865.974.0163 .

CAMA Update

Reminder that the next monthly meeting of the Cumberland Avenue Merchants Association (CAMA) is scheduled for Wednesday August 3 at 3:00 pm at the Goal Post Tavern. For more information about CAMA visit here.

Additionally, the City of Knoxville has received word that McDonald's restaurant on Cumberland Avenue has closed earlier this week for major renovations. A date for reopening has not been set yet, but we look forward to the new and improved aesthetics for this location.

Cumberland Ave. Corridor Plan Update

Work continues on the detailed plans for the streetscape project. New information from KUB has been provided to our consultants regarding the electrical systems based on the new substation that is being constructed on Dale Avenue. This substation will be providing power to the University, Ft. Sanders Neighborhood, the hospitals and the corridor. This information will be incorporated into the Right of Way plans that are being prepared for submission to TDOT.

Weekend Events

Friday, July 29
Shakespeare on the Square
Market Square
Shakespeare on the Square performing "Othello"

Saturday, July 30
Market Square Farmers Market

9:00AM - 2:00PM
Locally grown produce, meat, eggs and plants, as well as locally made artisan foods & crafts.

City Wide Block Party
2400 Block of Martin Luther King Jr. Ave
5:00PM - 9:00PM
block party hosted by Eternal Life Harvest Center in Five Points this weekend.

Shakespeare on the Square
Market Square
Shakespeare on the Square performing "The Comedy of Errors"

Victorious Living Ministries 1st Annual Street Dreams Bike Festival
2945 Wilson Ave, Claude Walker Ball Field
To use motorcycles as a way in promoting good citizenship inspire others to overcome their problems with advice and resources of people who understand and may have gone through the same things, but most of all to have a good time and show the great benefits of living in East TN. Contact Elroy Wilson at 865-522-2391 for more information.

Sunday, July 31
Shakespeare on the Square
Market Square
Shakespeare on the Square performing "Othello"

Thanks for your interest in everything associated with Cumberland Ave. Have a safe and fun weekend.

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