Update to Public Parking Nights and Weekends near Cumberland Avenue for November 8 and 9
Thanks to a partnership with Fort Sanders Regional Medical Facility, there is free parking nights (after 6 PM) and weekends in the surface parking lots at the corner of 19th Street and White Avenue. However, due to routine maintenance including resurfacing of these lots, the parking lots will be closed starting Friday evening, November 8th through Saturday, November 9th.

Please make plans to park in another location while this work is preformed.
Another free parking resource that is available to the public nights and weekends (excluding special events) is at UT's Terrace Avenue Garage.
Upcoming Events
Garth Brooks Concert - November 16th
This information is from Visit Knoxville's website, who is partnering with UT to bring this Stadium Concert to Knoxville. For more information visit: https://www.visitknoxville.com/garthbrooks/