KUB Update
KUB Community Relations (Contact: 865-594-7988)
Traffic Advisory – Lane Closure for Utility Work
Cumberland Avenue Lane Closure [October 25] – KUB will close the westbound curbside lane on a short section of Cumberland Avenue between Eleventh Street and Thirteenth Street from 9 a.m.–3 p.m. on Thursday, October 25, as work is completed on the natural gas distribution system in this area. One westbound lane, center turn lane, and both eastbound lanes will remain open on this section of Kingston Cumberland Avenue while work is completed.
Some listed closures may extend beyond the scheduled times depending on the conditions encountered during excavation and construction. Appropriate traffic control measures will be in place at each location to assist motorists traveling in these areas. Due to the ongoing presence of workers and equipment, motorists are advised to use extreme caution and expect temporary delays in these areas.
Cumberland Avenue Streetscape Update
The city of Knoxville hosted a Right of Way (ROW) public meeting on September 25th at the University of Tennessee's Visitors' Center. The meeting was attended by approximately 100 members of the community including representatives of local businesses, the hospitals, the university, the city, and others; thank you to all who attended the meeting! The presentation that was given at the meeting along with updated images from our consultants are available in the Links section of this page or by visiting the city's webpage: www.cityofknoxville.org/cumberland.
For local media coverage of the meeting, please visit the following:
If you have any questions or comments about this information please feel free to contact me at awallace@cityofknoxville.org.
CAMA Update
The Cumberland Avenue Merchants Association held its monthly meeting on October 3rd at 3:00 pm in the Goal Post Tavern. Representatives were on hand from the City of Knoxville, Copper Cellar, Goal Post Tavern, Regions, Walgreens, and Redeeming Hope Ministries. The merchants discussed issues pertaining to panhandling and loitering along the corridor and talked about educating the student population about the "No panhandling ordinance". The City of Knoxville presented an update on the Streetscape project and the Form Code. The businesses provided updates and noted a good fall so far.
The next CAMA meeting is scheduled for November 7th at 3:00 pm in the Goal Post Tavern.
Weekend Events October 27, 2012
Happy Hollerpalooza Street Fair
Central Street between Baxter & Scott St.
Local businesses gather in a closed section of North Central St. to offer services to the local community. For more information call (865)524-3803.
Race for the Cure
World’s Fair Park
The Race for the Cure is a 5K & 1 mile run/walk to benefit Komen Knoxville - a breast cancer organization. For more information visit http://www.komenknoxville.org/.
October 28, 2012
Pilot Cross Knox 10 Mile run 4 Mile walk
Knoxville Greenways
Point to point race showcasing Knoxville's Greenways. The event also includes a 4 mile walk that is not timed. For more information visit: http://www.cityofknoxville.org/recreation/crossknox.asp.
As always, thanks for your interest in Cumberland Avenue; have a safe and wonderful week.