Friday, November 19, 2010
November 19th Update
Provided by Neighborhood Advisory #103, David Massey, Neighborhood Coordinator
** This meeting was discussed at the last Ft. Sanders Stakeholder Meeting on October 21st and it was suggested that members of the group attend to understand how the City is dealing with absentee landlords and problem properties. The focus of this information is predominately residential properties.**
Knoxville City Council last week conducted a workshop devoted to the challenges posed by vacant and blighted properties - a problem to one degree or another for many if not most neighborhoods in both the city and the county.
Madeline Rogero, director of the Community Development Dept., presented the work of the Vacant Properties Committee, which she chairs. Her presentation was followed by questions and comments from members of Council, responses by various members of the committee, and comments from several neighborhood representatives.
She also noted that the City already employs quite a few tools to deal with problem properties. These include:
** Neighborhood Codes Enforcement and the power of the Better Building Board to declare houses unfit for human habitation or to order that dilapidated houses be torn down.
** Community Development’s programs to rehab houses and build new houses on vacant lots.
** The ability to determine and certify that a property is blighted; to acquire the property (at fair market value) with City Council’s eminent domain powers; and to rehab the property and return it to the private sector via Community Development’s Homemakers Program.
** Issuing proposals for redevelopment of city-owned lots in a way that insures that the winning bidder will actually carry through with promised renovations and return the improved property to the tax rolls.
Rogero then listed 11 separate new tools and strategies that the City is ready to implement or pursue in the near- to mid-term. These include:
** Increased use of Municipal Court by the Neighborhood Codes Enforcement office, and the possibility of imposing increased court penalties for violators of city housing codes.
** Changes to local ordinances to clear up uncertainties and vague language so that codes enforcement can be more effective and can be tougher on repeat offenders.
** Reform of property tax foreclosure laws so that properties taken to tax sale do not end up with uninsurable title, which is a roadblock to obtaining loans for redevelopment.
** Better tracking of all available data on problem properties.
Rogero noted that cities and towns all across the U.S. are facing problems with blighted and vacant properties. Some cities have implemented programs such as home maintenance education, landlord training, vacant property registration, rental property registration and inspections, and public identification of properties and owners that are consistently violating city codes. These tools may or may not be relevant or effective in Knoxville, Rogero noted. “No one size fits all,” she stated.
Rogero concluded by noting that the causes of vacant and blighted properties are complex, as are the solutions. “There is no silver bullet,” she said, no single program or law, that will solve the problem. Knoxville needs stronger disincentives for owners of blighted property. While government has a key role to play, the nonprofit and private sectors are critical to success, she noted.
Formed in mid-2009, the Vacant Properties Committee is composed of representatives from various city and county departments, the Knox County Trustee’s Office, KCDC (Knoxville’s Community Development Corp.), Metropolitan Planning Commission (MPC), and the Council of Involved Neighborhoods (COIN).
Rogero’s Power Point slides are available on the City’s Website, here.
For questions or information about the committee or the work that it is doing, contact David Massey, neighborhoods coordinator, at 215-3232 or
Cumberland Avenue Corridor Project
The City of Knoxville is still taking comments regarding the November 9, 2010 public meeting for the Cumberland Avenue Corridor Project. All comments should be submitted by close of business on Tuesday, November 23, 2010 and can be sent via e-mail to Anne Wallace at The meeting information is in previous blog posts and in the Links Section of this blog page.
Weekend Opportunities
Knoxville Ice Bears vs. Pensacola Ice Flyers, Friday and Saturday nights at 7:30pm at the Knoxville Coliseum, ticket prices vary.
UT Ice Vols vs. LSU, Friday and Saturday nights at 11:00pm (for those with insomnia!), at the Knoxville Coliseum, general admission $5, or $1 with student ID.
Tennessee Volunteers take on the Vanderbilt Commodores in Nashville at 7:30pm. The game will be televised, Go Vols! Be sure to take advantage of the opportunity to visit our Cumberland Avenue merchants!
As always, thanks for your continued interest in all things relating to Cumberland Avenue and the Fort Sanders District. There will be no blog post next Friday due to the Thanksgiving Holiday. I wish you and yours a very blessed and happy Thanksgiving.
Friday, November 12, 2010
November 12th Update
Greetings everyone! Below are some of the images that were presented in the public meeting on Tuesday, November 9th. These are examples of what Cumberland Avenue could look like as we implement the streetscape project.

This image is a plan view of the typical pedestrian corridor diagram. In it you can see the three lane cross section (one west bound, one east bound and a center turn lane) as well as the furnishing zone with trees, benches, bike racks, and lighting which acts as a buffer for pedestrians from vehicular or bike traffic. The red line in this drawing indicates the section line and perspective point for the images below.
This image shows the two cross sections of the street. The top section shows what the typical street section will look like between 17th Street and 22nd Street. The bottow section shows what the street section will look like west of 22nd Street.
This image shows a perspective of what Cumberland Avenue could look like if you were a pedestrian walking down the street (on the north side, facing west bound) after the streetscape project is completed.
Thanks to Carol R. Johnson & Associates' Knoxville office for producing these images. Again if you have comments or suggestions about the public meeting information please e-mail Anne Wallace at by November 23. The presentation is available here.
KUB Update
From: KUB Community Relations (Contact No. 594-7988)
Re: Traffic Advisory – Lane Closure for Utility Work
Neyland Drive Lane Closures [November 15-16] – KUB’s contractor will close one westbound lane on a section of Neyland Drive between Lake Loudoun Boulevard and Leinard Lane daily from 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. on Monday, November 15, and Tuesday, November 16, for wastewater system construction. One westbound lane, the center turn lane, and both eastbound lanes will remain open at all times during this period.
Some utility-related closures may extend beyond the scheduled times, depending on conditions encountered during excavation and construction. Appropriate traffic control measures will be in place at this location to assist motorists traveling in the area. Due to the ongoing presence of workers and equipment, motorists are advised to use extreme caution and expect temporary delays in this area.
Weekend Opportunities
University of Tennessee Volunteers take on Ole Miss rebels here in town for Homecoming!
Day: Saturday
Date:Nov. 13, 2010
Location: Knoxville, Tenn.
Time: 12:00 p.m. ET Be sure to get out and cheer on the Volunteers and support our Cumberland Avenue Merchants!
Visit replicas of Christopher Columbus' ships. For more information, click here.
Kroger Free Day at Knoxville Zoo: Visitors to Knoxville Zoo will enjoy free admission and parking on Kroger Free Day, Saturday,Nov. 13, from 10:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. (Last admissions are one hour before closing at 3:30 p.m.) Kroger Free Day is a way to give back to the community and help other local charities who also make East Tennessee a better place to live, too. Visitors are encouraged to bring a donation for one of the charitable organizations who will be on-site on Kroger Free Day. For more information, click here.
As always, thanks for your interest and have a safe and fun weekend!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
November 10th Update
The presentation for that meeting is available here or in the links section of the blog. Additionally, Hayes Hickman, reported about the meeting in a News Sentinel article available here.
Please send comments or questions about the public meeting or presentation to Anne Wallace at by close of business on Tuesday, November 23, 2010. City Staff will take these comments into consideration as next steps are determined on the project.
Of course, if there are general questions or comments about the project, feel free to contact me at anytime. I'll continue to keep you posted about the project. Have a great week!
Friday, November 5, 2010
November 5th Update
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
6:00 pm in Ballrooms A & B
UT’s Visitors’ Center (former Faculty Club)
2704 Kingston Pike (corner of Kingston Pike and Neyland Drive)
This meeting is open to the public and everyone is welcome to attend. City of Knoxville Staff and Project Consultants will give a presentation updating the public on the detail design work of the Streetscape project which will include information about the typical street section, landscape amenities and utility work. If you have any questions, please contact Anne Wallace at