Friday, January 29, 2010

January 29th Update

Over the last few weeks, city staff has continued to meet with stakeholders regarding the draft Form Code and the Streetscape concept plans including meetings with representatives of the Historic Fort Sanders Neighborhood Association, Knoxville Area Transit (KAT), the City's Operations Team, the Mayor's Student Advisory Board, and individual property and business owners. The discussions are going well and we would like to thank everyone for their comments and questions as we continue this public comment period.

Also this week, I was invited to participate in a panel discussion at the Nashville Complete Streets Workshop. Complete Streets are road networks that are safer, more livable, and welcoming to everyone. It was a great opportunity to discuss the Cumberland Ave. Streetscape project and the efforts of both local and state government to transform this strip into a more attractive, economically successful, vibrant and safe corridor.

If you would like more information about the workshop please visit:
If you're interested in the Complete Streets Design Guidelines that were created for the Knoxville Regional Transporation Planning Organization (TPO) by Gresham Smith and Partners please visit:

Thanks for your continued interest! I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable weekend.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Happy New Year! January 8th Update

Greetings everyone! I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday season.

City staff is continuing to meet with property and buisness owners along the corridor to discuss the draft Cumberland Ave. Corridor Form District and the concept designs for the Streetscape project. If you or someone you know would be interested in a one on one meeting regarding your property or business and this plan, please contact Anne Wallace at Also the draft code is currently being reviewed by the city's law department and an independent consultant.

Staff also attended the Cumberland Ave. Merchants Association (CAMA) and provided a project update on Wednesday, January 6th. The CAMA meets the first Wednesday of every month at 3:00 pm in the Old College Inn to discuss items of interest for merchants along the corridor; everyone is welcome and invited to attend. If you would like more information about CAMA, please visit:

Finally, staff is finalizing the recommendations that came out of the Ft. Sanders Long Range Planning effort and will post the recommendations on this blog in the next few weeks.

Thanks for your continued interest and have a safe, happy, and prosperous new year!